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In todays world the technology plays important role.The Data is most important to secure it and to deliver it fastly to the users with out any interruption.So for this reason the cloud computing become most popular in present days.So before going deep we need to understand what is cloud computing and on premises and why do companies preferring to use cloud computing on on-premises.

What is cloud computing?

It is the term used for the delivery of computer services like servers,storage,networking etc to offer faster and flexible resources.The name cloud computing is used because the data is stored in a cloud or virtual place.

The cloud computing is divide into two categories
  1. Deployment model
  2. Service model

What is cloud deployment model?

The deployment model is used based on how much data you want to store.Who can acces the data

There are three types of Deployment models in Cloud computing:

  • Public model
  • Private model
  • Hybrid model

Public model:

The public cloud makes its possible to every one to use the systems over the internet and is owned by cloud providers.

Private model:

The private cloud is controled only by the organization or a third party and it is the opposite of public cloud model.The private cloud gives more flexible over cloud resources.

Hybrid model:

It is the combination of two cloud  models public and private.Hybrid cloud computing are widely used now a days the best example is kubernetes and services are aws outposts,Azure stack etc.

What is Service model?

Based on the requirement and maintainence of your application.The service model is classified into three types.
  • Infrastructure as a service(IaaS)
  • Platform as a service(PaaS)
  • Software as a service(SaaS)

Infrastructure as a service(IaaS):

The models is mostely used by It administrators.It is a  model where users get access to basic computing infrastructure.If the company require storage,Virtual machines then this is the suited model.In this model we need to manage applications,o/s the rest is handled by the cloud providers.

Platform as a service(PaaS):

In this model we need to manage the application only and the rest is managed by the cloud providers.If you are creating software applications then this is the model to be used.

Software as a Service(SaaS):

In this model you need not to manage any thing.The cloud providers will manage all of them.The software and hardware requirements are satisfies by the vendors.If you are inconvenient of owning any Equipment the SaaS model is the used for you.

Pros of cloud computing:

1.Backups the data:The data we lost can be backuped with the help of cloud and the stoage of phone also will be saved

2.Expenses will be reduced:The cost of data stored in cloud is less than maintaining own data centers and servers and we can also pay based on usage and we can reduce our costs also.But in on premises we cannot reduced cost the cost always increases even we do not need it.

3.flexibility:We can access the data from any where in the world and It is flexible and it gives same results when we use at off-site.

Cons of Cloud computing:

1.Security:Compared to the on-premises or the private cloud it is less secure due to every on can access the data and There may be data leakage or data loss may be arrises.

2.Limited control:The data is owned and managed by the service providers.You cannot control any part of backend infrastructure like fireware,updating etc.

3.Internet problem:Every data of ours is stored in the cloud to avoid the storage problem.We can access the data from cloud with the help of internet.If the internet connection is low then we cannot access the data from cloud and there is no alternative ways to access the data.


well done on getting so far In this article you have studied importance and uses of cloud computing.I hope that every one has understood if you have any doubts comment in the below section.